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What is mindful writing?
Mindful Writing connects the practice of writing to the practice of meditation. It helps to unite our egoic "doing" selves with our conscious "being" selves. Writing meditation draws on mindfulness and being present, uniting that with writing down thoughts, creativity, and witnessing what arises. We stay in our heads when we write and work from the part of us that is wholly intellectual, examining and judging each thought and idea that arises. This cuts us off from our body and our senses, leaving us adrift in our thoughts.
Writing meditation can bring us back to living and experiencing ourselves as part of the world.
Sitting for a long time and trying to quiet the mind can sometimes produce anxiety. So while writing engages the mind, meditation keeps us grounded. When we write freely, our anxious, judging selves may show up in our writing. Seeing these thoughts written down can help us release old patterns and beliefs and allow us to feel more energized. Also, holding a pen rather than writing on a computer can make us calmer, tap into our creativity, and unite the right and left sides of the brain. When we write by hand, writing can take the form of meditation; we feel our hand holding the pen, notice the paper's softness as we write. Both writing and meditation nurture each other and allow us to let go of past stories as we strengthen ourselves, our awareness, and our writing.
You might find it hard to believe that simply putting pen to paper to write could give you peace of mind, groundedness, and increased vitality. Through clinical research, James Pennebaker, author of Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions, discovered that writing makes people happier, healthier and less anxious.
Combining writing and meditation can help people with anxious thoughts or 'monkey mind' to see these thoughts for what they are – just thoughts – once they get them out of their heads and onto paper. Truth is most of us go around with myriad notions running rampant in our heads. Rarely do we take the time to explore how these thoughts influence our mental health and general well-being.
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How do I sign up for a course?​
Just follow these simple steps:
Go to the online courses page.
Select the course you wish to sign up for.
Then click the "Sign Up" button on the course page.
This will take you to the online course platform.
Select the enrolment button. Add the coupon code if you have one for the particular course. You'll be asked for basic contact information and your payment information (e.g., credit card, PayPal). We require full payment at the time of registration and all tuition is billed in US dollars. Be sure to check with your bank or credit card company, as your financial institution may charge a foreign transaction fee. Select the "Buy Now" button at the bottom.
Will the courses help me to be less stressed?
Practicing writing meditation consistently over a period of time will help you be more present and help you find more joy in the day-to-day. This will in turn lessen your stress over time. The Ease Into Calm 5-5-5 course will give you a taste for what a daily writing meditation is like and how it can help to lower your stress levels.
What course should I sign up for?
If you're not sure then we suggest starting with Ease Into Calm 5-5-5. You can begin to feel the benefits straight away while learning about writing meditation and its applications. Every unit includes meditations for 2, 3, and five minutes depending on your time frame. These lessons stand alone and you can dip into them at any time.
Will this course help with negative self-talk?
Yes. Throughout these courses, there are mindful writing exercises to help you become aware of negative self-talk. Becoming conscious of our inner voices that can sabotage us is the first step to not allowing them to run the show.
Will this course help me with my writing?
While this course doesn't address structure, plot, character, or voice as in a standard writing course, it can help you to deepen your awareness as you become more present. Important lessons for any writer!
How do I access my course?
Once you buy your course you can log into The Mindful Writer course platform anytime and follow the lessons.
Do I need specific equipment?
All you need for the course is a pen, a notebook and a quiet spot.
Are refunds available?
There are no refunds for the courses. Payment in full is required (unless specified on the course page) at the start. If you paid for the course yet don't have time to do it now, don't worry! The course is yours to dip into at any time. Do the course at your own pace. No pressure, no stress.